Haxorware sb5101 comcast receive blinking

Haxorware sb5101 comcast receive blinking
Comcast / Motorola sb5100 cable modem.
I had Comcast out this week for my chronic connectivity issues. The tech said the Originally Posted by seyeklopz My connection cuts out every 5 -50 minutes or
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FAQ: Comcast High Speed Internet The purpose of this FAQ is to provide accurate information relating to Comcast High-Speed Internet Service - If you wish to
Best answer: I just called Charter with this issue. They maintain this issue is with Linksys. Here's what they say: With dynamic IP renewal every 24 hours Charter
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5 stars. "Recommended -Comcast customer" I had opportunity to test two different cable modems on Comcast business service. One was Motorola SB6121 and the other Zoom